09 décembre 2022
I choose to set an expiry date on my gpg keys. 6 month is good enough for me to not forget everything in-between.
gpg2 --edit-key B8EC0946
But (almost) every time I try to send the updated key to the keyserver, I get an error. This time :
gpg: sending key 0xC684F06AB8EC0946 to hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com
gpg: keyserver send failed: Buffer too short
gpg: keyserver send failed: Buffer too short
Searchng the web with this error message gives absolutely nothing. Nobody ever gets a « buffer too short » error ?
I was sure that was a local error. But blindly trying random options, I run
gpg2 --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443 --send-keys B8EC0946
And this work !?
gpg: envoi de la clef 0xC684F06AB8EC0946 à hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443
So in conclusion, set keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443
(hkp over TLS) in ~ /.gnupg/gpg.conf and voilà !
Hello to Gnupg maintainer and/or keyserver.ubuntu.com maintainer :
PLEASE say & publish something when you change the behaviour ! Its hard to guess !